by Jolene Halzen
I first participated in Norwood CSA in summer
2021. I was delighted that Nick’s weekly emails included a list of the
vegetables we were likely to receive, so that when I unpacked my box, I could
cross reference and work out the identity of any vegetables that were
unfamiliar to me!
One of those unfamiliar-to-me vegetables was
Four kohrabi on a table.
Now, kohlrabi is a welcome gift.
I’ve learned to trim the leaves from the bulb
immediately as I arrange the veggies in my fridge. I’ve learned you can use the
leaves as you would other greens.
The kohlrabi blub is fresh and reminds me of
radish, though a bit sweeter. I most enjoy the kohlrabi bulb cut up, served
raw, with ranch dressing or dip. I put it on a plate next to carrot sticks and
chopped red pepper for a colorful veggie plate.
Remove the leaves
Use a peeler to peel the outer
Cut in half
Chop it into thick matchsticks
Serve with other raw veggies and
Last week, I did a quick pickle on my kohlrabi
blub sticks, which I loved. Two tablespoons of salt with a cup of vinegar in a
bowl. Put the kohlrabi sticks in, and wait for 20-30 minutes. Serve as a side
with dinner. Fancier version below.
Another thing I love: if I don't use the
kohlrabi bulb right away, it keeps for a few weeks in the fridge.
Links for continued enjoyment of kohlrabi from
The Spruce Eats:
How to Prepare and Cook Kohlrabi Deliciously -
Pickled Kohlrabi Recipe - https://www.thespruceeats.com/pickled-kohlrabi-5187731
Interested in learning more about the Norwood CSA?
Check out our Info Page: https://norwoodfoodcoop.blogspot.com/2021/10/how-to-join-norwood-csa.html