by Kathi Carter Rodriguez
That’s the question on my mind this week. Over the past two weeks, our veggies have runneth over in our crisper. Hubby and I have gotten a little behind in eating our weekly bounty. So what’s a CSA member to do? Blanching and freezing our vegetables seemed like a good solution.
Freezing was a no brainer, but blanching required more research on my part. I discovered that the word itself dates back to Old French circa 1400s. Blanching is a super quick boiling and cooling process that often precedes freezing, drying or canning produce. It’s a key step designed to halt oxidation, aka enzymic browning, so as to preserve coloring, flavoring and nutrients in vegetables and fruits.
Though blanching is a fairly simple process, the timing involved has to be spot on. Please know that various vegetables and fruits have different blanching timings. I decided to make my foray into blanching using squash because we had oodles of zucchini and yellow squash.
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