Norwood CSA Food Co-op: My Relationship with Beets

Monday, July 5, 2021

My Relationship with Beets

 By Kathi Carter Rodriguez

Confession:  I’m not a fan of beets.  I just don’t like the taste of them.  However, I can still hear my Mom’s voice: “Kathi, you should eat them because they’re good for you.”  Growing up, that was the repetitive phrase my mother would use to get us 5 kids to eat something we didn’t like.  Think cod liver oil or lima beans, but never liver because that would have been too much of a stretch. 

Recently, beets have taken on a superhero status in ubiquitous Super Beets infomercials. But, truthfully the nutritional value of beets is quite impressive and they can hold their own without much fanfare.  Beets are considered an antioxidant and have anti-inflammatory properties.  They protect our cells from damage; fight inflammation in our bodies; and can help to lower the risk of heart disease, cancer or other diseases.  Beets are also fraught with fiber, nitrates, folate (a B-vitamin), potassium, magnesium and Vitamin C. 

So suffice to say, I was happy to find beets in our food share for the past two weeks because I’ve learned to appreciate their value in keeping me and hubby healthy. 

More often than not, I juice beets in my Vitamix along with carrots and apples to create my ABC Liver Juice.  I’ve used this juice recipe for over a decade to keep my liver in tip top shape. I originally got it from Dr. Oz. 

My Apple, Beets and Carrots (ABC) Liver Juice*

 ½ apple (un-cored & unpeeled)

1 small peeled beet 

2- 3 medium peeled carrots

1-2 cups of filtered or spring water. 

* I use white vinegar to clean all of my produce. 

Enjoy….it’s good for you! ☺ 

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