Norwood CSA Food Co-op: Cucumber Soup and Zucchini Bread on the Menu!

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Cucumber Soup and Zucchini Bread on the Menu!

It's Thursday, and I always get excited to receive a new veggie delivery from our Norwich Farms CSA.  I must confess, though, that I still have cucumbers, squash and cabbage left from last week, and I suspect that others are experiencing the same thing. So, here are two recipes using cucucmbers and squash.  Both are found in my favorite classic cookbook--Jane Brody's Good Food Book, originally published in 1985.  You can still find used copies for $2-3+shipping, at Barnes & Noble's website, or at a used book sale at a local library. It's my main recipe source over the years because the ingredient lists contain less butter, sugar, and white flour than recipes in other classic cookbooks.

As an alternative, the simplest and yummiest way to prepare zucchini that I have found is to slice it thinly, and add it to a skillet with a tablespoon or two of hot olive oil (depends on the size of your skillet and the size of your squash), turning several times until it browns lightly.  Season with salt, pepper, a bit of your favorite vinegar, lemon or lime juice, or a packet of True Lemon or True Lime. You can also sprinkle on grated parmesan or romano cheese after you remove it from the heat.  I know a lot of restaurants put a coating of egg and bread crumbs on zucchini before frying it, but to me, the plainer method of cooking allows the flavor of the squash to shine through.  

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