Norwood CSA Food Co-op: Canning Applesauce

Friday, October 29, 2021

Canning Applesauce

By : Patrice Hall

This is a recipe I have from the website National Center for Home Food Preservation (, I plan to adjust the recipe for 3 pounds of apples, and I use the boiling water canning method which is best (the pressure canning method is for vegetables and other non-acid foods). I deleted the pressure canning details from this post but if you want to look it up you can go to the website…

Quantity: An average of 21 pounds is needed per canner load of 7 quarts; an average of 13½ pounds is needed per canner load of 9 pints. A bushel weighs 48 pounds and yields 14 to 19 quarts of sauce – an average of 3 pounds per quart.

Quality: Select apples that are sweet, juicy and crisp. For a tart flavor, add 1 to 2 pounds of tart apples to each 3 pounds of sweeter fruit.

Please read Using Pressure Canners and Using Boiling Water Canners before beginning. If this is your first time canning, it is recommended that you read Principles of Home Canning.

Procedure: Wash, peel, and core apples. If desired, slice apples into water containing ascorbic acid to prevent browning. Placed drained slices in an 8- to 10-quart pot. Add ½ cup water. Stirring occasionally to prevent burning, heat quickly until tender (5 to 20 minutes, depending on maturity and variety). Press through a sieve or food mill, or skip the pressing step if you prefer chunk-style sauce. Sauce may be packed without sugar. If desired, add 1/8 cup sugar per quart of sauce. Taste and add more, if preferred. Reheat sauce to boiling. Fill jars with hot sauce, leaving ½-inch headspace. Adjust lids and process.

Processing directions for canning applesauce in a boiling-water canner:

This document was adapted from the "Complete Guide to Home Canning," Agriculture Information  Bulletin No. 539, USDA, revised 2015. 

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