It turns out that the pillars were part of Via Verde, an initiative to reduce high pollution levels and make Mexico City less grim. The plan seeks to give clean oxygen to 2500 people and filter all type of contaminants via 60,000 square meters of vertical gardens on 1000 highway columns.
The project has received some criticism, but I'm all for anything that helps restore oxygen, promote green space (even vertical green space!) and is pretty, to boot. And, it got me thinking about other initiatives that seek to reduce pollution, eliminate litter, and help Earth overall. Below, find five initiatives urban gardening to trash reduction that are working to help Earth. Be prepared to head into Monday with a smile.
(Click on the headings to watch the videos.)
I can't argue with cooling down a hot city. I just hope drivers have sunglasses in tow.
3. Aero Farms, Newark, NJ
4. Mr. Trash Wheel, Baltimore
5. Composting, Everywhere
Fam, this is where you come in. We compost at the Norwood CSA Bainbridge Community Garden, so when you come ready to pick up your goods, bring a bag of your vegetable/fruit scraps from the week. Tea bags (without staples!) and coffee grinds/filters are welcome, too. Be sure to chop it all up when you put it in the bin. More instructions in the video above.
Hey, we may not be at the same level of trash reduction as this town in Japan. But, we can all take small steps to protecting and preserving Earth. (Here's more on that topic written by me for another site.)
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