Norwood CSA Food Co-op: When life gives you cucumbers, make Kimchi!

Monday, July 20, 2015

When life gives you cucumbers, make Kimchi!

Six pounds of cucumbers is a daunting responsibility, but life is ultimately about how you use what you've got. Last Thursday, conversation around the cucumber bin inevitably turned to the topic on all of our minds: What to do with all of these cukes?! Someone mentioned cucumber kimchi and a plan was hatched. Lizz and I, with the moral support of Dan and baby Irie, had our first kimchi play date! We gathered in her ample kitchen to prepare both cucumbers and cabbage for the traditional Korean fermentation process, which in the 90+ degree heat will likely happen rather quickly. We used recipes from the book: Kimchi: A Natural Health Food slightly modified to accommodate our shrimp allergic needs. We subbed in kelp knots run through a blender and hydrated in a bit of water for any fermented shrimp requirements. So far, so good. Several important lessons were learned, however. The first lesson, never ever ever grind red peppers in a blender completely dry. Especially not with a fan running. Thanks to Lizz's quick thinking, no eyesight was lost, no lungs caught on capsicum fire, and no one died, but it was a close call.  Coughing and weepy eyes did ensue, but airborne red pepper powder is no match for a mother's instinct and almond milk. Whew! The second lesson learned, is that kimchi making is an activity conducive to bonding and allowing. While we chatted in the kitchen, forging new layers of friendship, baby Irie and her papi had some quality bonding time, and even got to go to the park together by themselves, while mom allowed herself to trust that everything would be just fine. The third, and possibly greatest lesson learned is that cucumber kimchi is friggin' delicious!

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