Greetings Friends! And welcome to a new era for the Norwood CSA. We are moving away from the original Norwood CSA website to a format that is more easily updated and allows more members to contribute pictures, content, recipes and more.
Some of us are more nostalgic than others about saying goodbye to the old website. I mean, there are pictures on there of babies who are now about to enter middle school and grammar school kids who are now in high school. Not to mention our old pick-up location- the grass-challenged yard of Epiphany Lutheran Church.
(Above)- Pictures of families and children from one of the first Norwood CSA seasons

In many ways the CSA has grown up much like the children of families that have been receiving local, organic produce from Norwich Meadows Farm these past 12 seasons. Our pick-up location is now at the beautiful Bainbridge Avenue Garden, and gardeners are partners in our efforts to move our consumption habits closer to the farm. We have a new generation of dedicated members who volunteer to organize and steward the CSA (and we're always welcoming new core members into the fold to keep the CSA sustainable!). We have a social media presence on
Facebook. We're using
Google Forms to register members instead of paper forms. And like any 12 year old, we are awkward, uncoordinated, and conflicted about being seen with our parents in public venues.

One constant that remains throughout our 12 year existence is the Norwood CSA is a community of neighbors committed to finding an alternative way of relating to food. For a summary of the CSA model, check out our
Summer Share 2015 information form. We continue to partner with Zaid and Haifa Kurdieh at
Norwich Meadows Farm, purchasing shares of their harvest each season. We continue to enjoy the fresh, delicious, and organic vegetables from Norwich Meadows and the fruit, dairy and other value-added products that they bring from local artisans to the Bronx. And we grow in our cooking creativity as we figure out how to consume several pounds of peppers or summer squash or kohlrabi or whatever else is being picked that week on the farm.
We hope you'll take some time to learn more about Community Supported Agriculture on this blog and consider joining the Norwood CSA community.
Farmer Zaid offers CSA members a tour of a growing tunnel at Norwich Meadows Farm. |
Can you please publish the Additional Shares Google Form link on our new website?